You may be aware that Constantiaberg Hockey (CHC) in conjunction with Sweet
Valley Primary School (SVS) have laid a hockey Astroturf at Bergvliet Sports
Association in Childrens Way, Bergvliet.
This is a great asset to the community as a whole and will encourage members
of the community of all ages to play this great game of hockey. The Astroturf
is used exclusively by the school during the day, Monday to Friday, and by the
club in the evenings and weekends. Constantiaberg currently has over 200
hockey playing members.
There is a wonderful opportunity for you to advertise your business at the
astroturf by means of advertising boards.
Should you be interested in advertising your business please can contact Belinda or Brian.
Not only will you be advertising your business, but you would also be giving back to the
community as it is costly to maintain the Astro and to run a hockey club.
We look forward to your positive response.
Yours faithfully,
Brian Alcock
Conberg Treasurer
082 412 5445
Belinda Attwood
Conberg Events and Fundraising
082 416 3712