This indemnity form applies to all Constantiaberg Hockey players and to both
practices and matches.
By joining the club, I acknowledge that hockey is a potentially dangerous sport,
and damage, loss, bodily injury and/or death whilst participating in or training for
the sport is a possibility. Participation in this sport, be it as a player, spectator, or
in any form is voluntary and without inducement by Constantiaberg Hockey Club
or Bergvliet Sports Association. By participating, every participant accepts the risk
of damage, loss, bodily injury and/or death suffered or sustained by him/her,
his/her dependents or his/her custodian and/or guardian.
I agree that Constantiaberg Hockey Club and Bergvliet Sports Association and/or
any institution, person, sponsor or club that is directly or indirectly involved in,
with or on behalf of the club be hereby specifically indemnified from any liability
for claims arising from any damage, loss, bodily injury and/or death suffered or
sustained by any participant, his/her dependents, or his/her custodian and/or
guardian relating to, arising from or incidental to my participation in the above
mentioned activities.
By order of the Chairperson
17 November 2022